Making Better lives
It’s often the things many take for granted – clean clothing, transport for essential appointments, money for emergency bills, home starter packs, replacement birth certificates and photo ID.
Here’s how small essential items have helped make some lives better:
£3.50 bought clean clothing for a homeless woman who “appreciated having decent underwear”
£4.10 bus ticket enabled a young man to attend Housing Options appointment, complete assessments and secure temporary accommodation after being homeless for 18 months
£9.25 replacement birth certificate helped a middle aged man with a history of homelessness and addiction “start process of becoming a citizen” through engagement with recovery services
£12 college enrolment fee for a man to improve his maths, with the potential to progress onto bricklaying course
£20 emergency credit for electricity helped a young woman remain in property as opposed to returning to a partner, and the high risk of domestic violence
£49 Starter pack helped a woman, with history of temporary accommodation and hostel living, fleeing domestic violence to move into a new property
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